Okay, I have to confess, that isn't me. This girl lives in Minnesota, and the lotion is slathered on my hands after I do the dishes.
But my body? This year that's a different story. I've changed nothing except using my own soap in the shower. I'll talk a little bit about the ingredients I use in later blog posts, but the benefits of handmade soap for your skin cannot be ignored.
My mom is a convert - and y'all, if you knew my mom, you'd understand why this is such a big deal. She's practical and no-nonsense. She doesn't buy into a whole lot of self-care. And now, she's giving her friends my soap as gifts. She hasn't quite convinced my dad to make the switch - we may just have to stealth swap it out. Because he won't use lotion - and his skin is aging, dry, and does the whole nasty crack thing. And in the winter, that's just painful.