Palm Oil

Ohhh.  This is big one.  Every soap maker out there will tell you that "to palm or not to palm" is one of the bigger ethical dilemmas we face.

The wholesale harvest of palm forests has adversely impacted ecosystems.  There is NO doubt about that.  However, sustainable farmed palm oil, like that used in soaps from Mommy's Craft Basket, is a viable choice.  All of our Palm Oil is RSPO certified.  You can read more about that here:

The "big picture" reasons I have chosen to use RSPO certified palm oil are simple.  First, by using sustainably produced palm oil, I am ensuring that the workers have jobs.  While this seems like a somewhat reductive analysis, at the end of the day, families that have steady income have a better standard of living.  They are able to educate their children (not all countries offer free public school), which in turn improves the lives of many.  Second, it is a high-yield crop, which means, simply put, that a little goes a long way.  Third, from a business owner standpoint, because it is a high-yield crop, I am able to keep my prices low, as one of my standard oils is a very affordable raw material.

The "small picture" reasons are even more simple.  Palm oil makes a hard bar of soap - which means that it lasts longer.  It also stabilizes the coconut oil's bubbles. And, finally, it allows me to make vegan soaps.  

Is it a perfect system?  No.  Can we ensure 100% that there aren't issues in the supply chain?  I wish, but no.  

Do families like mine along the supply chain benefit by soap makers like me using it?  Highly likely.

Does it allow me to provide a vegan, quality product at a price point that makes handmade soap affordable to many?  Yes.

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