About Us

Once upon a time...  isn't that the way the best stories start?  And then there's a protagonist, and an antagonist, and a happily ever after.  But it's the journey that matters, and I'm still in the middle of mine.

One of the things I learned along the way was life hands you a lot, and you discover what you're really able to handle.  (Spoiler... even when you think you can't you're a badass and you can.)

This little cottage business started because my daughter wanted a doll like the ones at her Waldorf kindergarten. Then, it became about stories.  And giving children something that was snuggle-worthy, and imagination fostering.

A move from where I had been a teacher, a career change, a diagnosis of neurodiversities for my girl, and self-employment later, I realized that there was a need for  products that were self-care focused without a big self-care price tag.

As the business has diversified, however, one thing remains the same... the traditional craft basket of mothers from another era is the origin story of all "household arts" - including mine.